Thursday, November 28, 2019

4 crucial recruiting trends you need to know

4 crucial recruiting trends you need to know As an HR or recruitment professional, you know that some things in your field never change- like matching the right talent with the right position. Just about everything else, however, may be up for grabs. Like every other industry, recruiting grows and evolves with the times. So what does that mean for this year? Let’s look at some of the biggest trends that will impact your professional life in the coming months.Crunching the dataWe live in a data-driven society now. And using that data to refine hiring practices isn’t an especially new concept, but the level of detail we can harvest and use, as well as the tools we can use to analyze the information, has grown exponentially. According to Jobscience, developing a clear data-driven strategy for hiring can help speed up the hiring process from a current average of two months to fill a given position.Data from current employees (like skills, level of experience, time in the position, or job performance) can help you deve lop metrics for recruiting people with the right skill sets. It can also help you figure out ahead of time which candidates might be a flight risk, or determine what kinds of hiring packages you should offer to ensure job offer acceptance and employee retention down the road.If your company isn’t data-focused just yet, don’t worry- there’s lots of emerging tech that can help you get there. For example, this year LinkedIn is releasing Talent Insights, a self-service tool that compiles analytics data on talent pools, employee skills, and workforce composition to help companies streamline their own analysis and hiring decisions.Embracing automationSpeaking of tech solutions, nothing has revolutionized talent acquisition quite like automation. The days of hand-scouring a slush pile of resumes for the right interview candidates are gone now. Artificial intelligence (AI) tools are already helping staffing and recruiting professionals to streamline virtually every part of the hiring process- particularly the early stages, when large talent pools need to be narrowed for particular positions.hbspt.cta.load(2785852, '9e52c197-5b5b-45e6-af34-d56403f973c5', {});Chances are, you already use some of the automated apps and software out there to read resumes and identify potential candidates based on keywords or other metrics. But what’s coming next will revolutionize hiring even further: tools that not only screen resumes and application materials, but also schedule candidates, create compensation models, and source candidates for future job openings.Going hand in hand with a stronger focus on data analysis, these AI tools have the potential to make the recruitment, hiring, and retention processes more efficient. Using chatbots, companies can also add a â€Å"human† touch when reaching out to candidates to answer questions, schedule interviews, or conduct assessments. We still haven’t reached peak â€Å"Alexa rules the world† when it comes to using AI in corporate hiring, but the tools that are now emerging are bringing that level of automation closer to reality.Stepping up diversity and inclusivityDiversity in the workplace has shifted from a â€Å"nice to have† in many companies to a â€Å"must have,† driven by increased public scrutiny and accountability. In order to keep up with the growing diversity of the workforce, companies are left trying to figure out how to not only find more diverse candidates but also improve employee retention and meet the needs of that workforce. However, many companies are finding that merely hiring for diversity just isn’t enough- if employees feel like token hires, or like they’re add-ons, it can have serious repercussions for employee engagement and retention. Companies need to get serious about adding inclusivity as part of their diversity plans.So what does that mean in the short-term? It’s not about filling numbers or quotas- itâ⠂¬â„¢s about creating an environment that feels welcoming to a broader range of qualified people. Checking boxes on hiring forms won’t cut it. Instead, companies are turning to holistic reviews of their company policies and culture to make sure that people of diverse backgrounds, genders, etc. feel like part of the team.Rethinking the company’s culture and making conscious efforts to make it more welcoming is not the only avenue for companies to consider if they’re looking to expand their inclusivity. Much of the change happens in the employee recruitment arena: reaching out to local communities, broadening language in job postings and descriptions to reach a more diverse audience, ensuring diversity in recruiting or interview panels, educating employees and recruiters on unconscious bias, and consulting employee resource groups for guidance.Rethinking the interview processAs part of the trend of increasing efficiency in all areas of hiring, we’re also st arting to see closer scrutiny around whether the traditional interview process still works with a quickly evolving recruitment world. Traditional interviews require a significant investment of time and energy on the company’s part. That’s time that could be spent on data analysis or other initiatives. Candidates need to be reviewed, scheduled, interviewed, interviewed again as necessary, and handled at every point through the process. So how can that process be streamlined?Companies are increasingly turning to alternative interview formats to identify the best candidates for a position. Instead of the usual â€Å"you come in and spend hours talking to a panel or a series of interviewers† format, some companies are hosting â€Å"auditions,† or competitions that give candidates a chance to demonstrate the skills necessary for the job. From these hands-on interviews, employers can get a stronger sense of what the candidate can do, rather than rely on resumes and general questions in a traditional interview format.How recruiters and hiring managers read resumes is changing as well. Before, hard skills and experience were king; now, the focus is slowly moving to soft skills (like people skills, organizational skills, and teamwork) and potential over experience. It’s not that experience no longer matters, but rather that companies are increasingly valuing trainability and teamwork over what a candidate has done in the past.Many companies are also shifting interview responsibilities to the employees who will actually be working with the new hire, in an effort to get a more realistic sense of how a candidate might fit in with the day-to-day dynamics. These interviews may be informal, but they give the candidate a chance to see what the job is really like and give the current employees a chance to weigh in on how the candidate might fit in with the existing team.In 2018, the message is pretty straightforward: work smarter, not necessa rily harder, to find the people you want for the jobs you need to fill. Whether that’s using the new tech tools at our disposal, or rethinking how we bring people into the fold, the status quo just isn’t going to cut it anymore.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Heresy of Galileo essays

The Heresy of Galileo essays THE HERESY OF GALILEO Galileo was condemned by the Inquisition, not for his own brilliant theories, but because he stood up for his belief in Copernicus's theory that the earth was not, as the Church insisted, the center of the universe, but that rather, the universe is heliocentric. Galileo was a man of tremendous intellect and imagination living in a era dominated by the Catholic Church, which attempted to control the people by dictating their own version of "reality." Any person who publicly questioned Church doctrine ran the chance of condemnation and punishment. If man could think, man could question, and the Church could lose its authority over the masses. This could not be tolerated in the 17th century, when the Church had the power to dictate "reality." Copernicus probably avoided a similar fate by confining his opinions to his students and the university milieu, and in fact his theories were not published until the time of his death. To be tried by the Inquisition was something that nobody could take lightly. Although in Galileo's time the Inquisition was becoming more and more lenient, it was known to have used torture in the past and to have sent many heretics to burn at the stake. As late as 1600, this fate had befallen the Italian thinker Giordano Bruno, a one-time Dominican friar who had adopted a From the summer of 1605, Galileo was private tutor of mathematics to young Prince Cosimo de' Medici, son of the Grand Duke of Tuscany. Teacher and pupil became sincerely attached to each other by mutual affection and deference, and this bond lasted to the end of Galileo's life. Galileo remained a good friend of the Grand Duke as well. In the summer of 1611, the Grand Duke invited Galileo to a dinner party at his court. The Duke liked to gather great scholars around him, especially when he had illustrious guests, to hear them talk about issues of ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

An investigation weather the Nintendo Wii attract females more than Essay

An investigation weather the Nintendo Wii attract females more than males - Essay Example Using a purposive sample of 107 Nintendo Wii gamers, the present study suggests that males are more likely to be attracted to using or playing the Wii more than their female counterparts, as attested to by their higher ratings on beliefs, subjective norms, and behavioural intentions. They concurred only on one subscale, which is perceived behavioural control, suggesting agreement that there is adequate control on excessive use of the Nintendo Wii. On the Theory of Reasoned Action, it was found that males tended to give higher ratings on the beliefs, subjective norms, and behavioural intentions that are related to the use of the Nintendo Wii. ... Students’ gender differences in their response to technology use have been identified and explained by many researchers who have had varying results in their studies. For instance, in a study by Vasil, Hesketh, and Podd (1987), it was found out that females do not prefer being involved in technological activities and that they are less participative in technology-related events compared to males. Gender differences have also been evident in the use of the Internet and the computer in general as findings of Shashaani (1997) showed how boys take more interest in computers compared to girls. Nonetheless, Internet usage has become common not just among males but among females as well. Computer games, meanwhile, have been obtaining a great deal of attention than previous years as a source of pleasure and enjoyment among young individuals. The gaming industry along with well-accepted media has recognized the usage and play of women when it comes to digital games (Beasley and Standle y 2002). The increasing popularity of video games and the improved sales of game titles may point out that members of the female population have taken part in the expanding gaming audience. Previous research about females and their associations with video games has mainly been divided into two main areas- the assessment of female representations in video games (Heintz-Knowles and Henderson 2002), and the surveys or interviews conducted among female players with regards to their interests, level of play, and overall thoughts about video games and the gaming culture in general (Yates and Littleton 2001). A number of studies on virtual games suggest that

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Social Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Social Justice - Essay Example A review of these arguments in favour of and against death penalty shows that death penalty is, indeed, an efficacious mean of punishing criminals guilty of serious and heinous crimes. This paper, therefore, evaluates the debates in favour of and against capital punishment and presents a coherent and logical debate in favour of death punishment. In the presentation of the arguments in favour of death penalty, Stephen Toulmin’s model of argumentation is applied (Stephen Toulmin, online). The application of the Toulmin’s model of argumentation helps in presenting the arguments in a coherent and logical manner. There are three main arguments in support of death penalty as an effective mean of punishing the offenders who are guilty of crimes of high magnitude. The first argument is based on the claim that death penalty deters crime. Death penalty as a deterrent mean to further commission of crime is one of the main reasons why death penalty is practiced in many jurisdiction s. As a mean of punishing the criminals for their offences, death penalty deters further commission of crime in two ways. ... SA in an attempt to find out whether, really, capital punishments lead to reduction in crime rate, it was found that, there is, indeed, a strong correlation between death penalty and the rate of crimes, especially crimes of high magnitude like murder ( Arguments for and against Death Penalty, online). The study showed a significant reduction in crime, in places where death penalty is practiced as compared to other places where different means of punishing such criminals is practiced. But, apart from the studies that tend to support the view that death penalty can lead to reduction in crime, it is also, a matter of common sense that, when the people who are committing crimes are abolished or killed, then the rate of crimes will significantly reduce because they will not have another opportunity to commit the crimes. The second reason why death penalty leads to reduction in crime is due to the fact that by killing the offenders of serious crimes, other people with the intent to kill wi ll be afraid of doing so for fear of the consequences that would befall them(Goel, 2008). People, naturally, fear severe punishments, especially death, and so, when the law prescribes death penalty for serious crimes, then many people, utterly out of fear for the death, will refrain from committing such crimes. Although there are some studies contradicting this fact, arguing that death penalty does not deter criminals from committing crimes( Arguments for and Against Death Penalty, online) there are contrary studies supporting the view that death penalty instils fear among the criminals and, therefore, prevents them from committing crimes. But it is a fact that some people commit crimes due to psychological problems and for these kinds of people, death penalty cannot prevent them from

Monday, November 18, 2019

Latin America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Latin America - Essay Example Indigenous culture of the South Americans originates from the Incan empire. This empire was established in the year 1438 in the city of Andean for a period of 100 years. Communication was made easier in this region through the building of an expansive network of roads. The Incas built ports, signal towers and food storage facilities along this highway. This allowed the Incas to dominate the western part of the continent. Cultural landscape of South America changed immediately after the importation of African slaves. Most of the African slaves were brought to Brazil. This led to the integration of the African culture to that of indigenous Indian beliefs. Other historical cultures developed with both physical and cultural landscape (Keen & Haynes, 2012). Cowboy culture developed in pampas in the mid 18th century where they hunted herds’ of horses and cattle that roamed freely in the land (Un-Habitat, 2012). The rich history of South America is explored by contemporary cultures. Many organizations are trying to bring audience globally in order to spread social and political messages that will generate revenue from tourism and investment. The aim of these organizations is to ensure sustainable development in South America. Currently they are working on issues like environmental legislation, leadership training and cultural representation. Religious practices remain the stronghold of many South American cultures. Catholicism has dominated the entire continent while other spiritual beliefs dominate the secular activities. Carnival of Reo De Janeiro is an important secular practice that is celebrated 40 days before Easter. This is an important event in the catholic calendar and one of the largest revenue-generating events in Reo (Keen & Haynes, 2012). The Rio carnival is an important event in South America because it attracts many Brazilians and foreigners. During this time, the hotel

Friday, November 15, 2019

Aristotle In Virtue Ethics

Aristotle In Virtue Ethics Aristotle was a Greek philosopher, scientist as well as logician who lived between 384 and 322 BC. Aristotle is highly regarded as one of the famous thinkers in various fields such as political theory. He is an ancient thinker who was an effective contributor together with his teacher Plato. His desire and contribution started at an early age, at the time he was in school in Platos academy in Athens. He has moved places in search of philosophical and biological knowledge. He moved to places such as Asia and Lesbos. His life was known to have the greatest influence to his political thought. Through his travelling, he had various experiences in different kinds of political systems and hence gained a lot in the field of politics. Not only in history he also made an effective contribution to other areas such geography whereby he concluded that the earth was round instead of the earlier believe that it was flat. Aristotle contribution has been of great positive effect to mans life and eve n in todays community there are still his findings which are applicable. One of the many areas that Aristotle contributed and his contribution was noted is the topic on virtue ethics? Briefly virtue ethics is concerned with traits of characters that are found to be essential for human flourishing. Virtue ethics emphasizes the role played an individuals character and also the virtues that determine his behavior. It forms the basis to normative ethics which the opposite of deontology. According to Aristotle, happiness is referred is an activity, hence referring it a way of life and it is depicted on how we act and not how or whom we are. The general concept behind virtue ethics is that it looks into what the individual should choose to be rather than depending on the external factors to change a person. People have the power to choose what they ought to be rather than depend solely such as culture. Virtue ethics is currently one of three major approaches in normative ethics. It looks more into the moral character rather than duties and rules (deontology) or rather one that deals with consequences of actions simplified as consequentialism. According to Aristotle, virtue means excellence happiness whereby people can only be happy when they have fulfilled their basic function or purpose. People need to act well and practice reasoning. Aristotle divided virtue into intellectual and the moral virtues. According to Aristotle the highest target of all people is directed by happiness which he defined as continuous contemplation of the internal and external truth. This happiness is attained trough virtuous life as well as development of wisdom and reason. An individual needs sufficient external goods to ensure opportunity for virtuous action. Virtuous acts need mindful choice and moral reason or inspiration. However, moral virtue cannot be achieved abstractly but rather requires moral action in any social environment. Both ethics and politic are close to each other as Aristotle refers to politics like a science of making the society in which people can have the good life as they develop their full potential. Despite the work of Aristotle, he tries hard to convince us what is virtuous. This has differed from the teaching from the modern moral philosophers. This is because he put very little effort on the moral development of individuals. For one to be a good person he needs to practice so as to gain the good habit and the virtue is a good state of soul that is acquired through habit of an individual. In the ancient world, virtue ethics were a particularly dominant form of ethics. However, the trend has changed in the recent times the issue on virtue ethics has been largely forgotten as people has favored other approach to morality such as the utilitarianism and Kantian ethics. Despite the new found an approach, the basis of these has been the Aristotle virtue ethics. Over the past fifty years, there has been the return of the Aristotelian moral psychology. This was marked by a published document made in 1958 by Elizabeth Anscombe known as modern Moral Philosophy. The document excoriated Kantianism and the utilitarian versions and recommended the return to Aristotelian moral psychology. The change has seen virtue ethics be considered one of the key forms of ethical theory. Virtue ethics has been found to encourage people to be more virtuous such that we do not need an ethical theory for us to make decisions. The ethics puts more effort on the character. It also emphasizes on pleasure and the emotion. Hence it becomes good for people to enjoy acting in a virtuous manner. In additional, Aristotle talked of moral educational as a development process which is essential in each and every persons life. With the application of the virtue ethics, people avoid the use other complicated formulas trying to find out what they ought to do and hence they focus on the kind of person they need to be. In addition, it helps to distinguish between good people from the legalists. Following the law does not make one a good person. Virtue ethics is no longer the dominating theory as it now faces challenges. Despite being a highly prominent theory in peoples lives, virtue ethics has encountered some short comings. One of them is that virtue ethics offers no solution to certain specific moral dilemmas. Another shortcoming of Aristotles view is that it does not recognize that people are different. Not all people have equal opportunity in terms of developing morally hence people should not be judged the same. Despite the explanation of the virtuous people, there are people virtuous but live miserably unlike others who are not virtuous and live happily. On the other hand, virtue ethics appears to praise some virtues which on normal cases might be regarded as immoral. For example, soldiers in war may courageous, but that does not mean they are morally good. Finally, it is hard to tell when someone virtuous has bad motives. Virtuous ethics seems not to accommodate basic concepts such as an obligation and rights. Hence the theory of ethics seems inadequate to deal with complicated issues such as what makes an action right or wrong. It is easier to understand the virtue ethics by trying to differentiate the Aristotle approach and the Kantian, consequentially or the utilitarian approaches to the moral philosophy. From the case of Kantian, ethics are responsible in ruling as well as the fundamental principals playing a crucial role. Foundational role and consequentialism treats the moral assessment of actions as a function of what can be said about the consequences of those actions. Most of the modern virtue ethics takes inspiration from the Aristotle work in the same topic. The modern ones have also emphasized on cultivation of virtues for they define them as natural and rational way of being as well as flourishing in the society. Conclusion In conclusion, it is clear that work of Aristotle has greatly contributed to the modern philosophy and their way of thinking and also evaluating things. One of the reasons that have made the virtue ethics become popular as well as making very important contribution to our lives is that they really emphasize the key role played by motives in moral questions. The contribution also helps people understand the issue of morality. People were also aware that for one to act from virtue is also to act from some particular motivation. This means that the correct moral decisions need the correct motives behind them. Encouragement of the correct motivations is a vital component of the moral education to the young people. People is taught that they should have targets and desire for good outcomes as well as an accomplishment of given goals by our actions. Another reason why virtue theories are attractive is that the other theories on moral have a common problem in dealing with complicated moral issues such as what action should be taken or rather what moral duties should be emphasized. One of the key point that is emphasized by the virtue theory is that once people are successful in creating the people wanted, then arriving to the correct moral decision comes naturally.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Symbols and Symbolism in Siddhartha - The Snake, the Bird and the River

Symbols and Symbolism in Siddhartha - The Snake, the Bird and the River   Ã‚   In Herman Hess's, Siddhartha, Siddhartha's constant growth and spiritual evolution is elucidated through the symbolism of the snake, the bird and the river. As a snake sheds it's skin in order to continue its physical growth, Siddhartha sheds the skins of his past: " he realized that something had left him, like the old skin a snake sheds/ Something was no longer with him, something that had accompanied him right through his youth and was a part of him" (37). In this way Siddhartha leaves his childhood companion, Govinda, and follows the teachings of the Illustrious one. Siddhartha then journeys on alone and feels vulnerable as his past reveals his lost soul, " I was afraid, I was fleeing from myself..." (38). Siddhartha eagerly gathers himself and ventures on to explore alternative religions. He no longer relies on his past, his Samana upbringing and heritage, "Immediately he moved on again and began to walk quickly and impatiently, no longer homeward, no longer to his father, no longer looking backw...